It is critically important that visitors to Canada take out Temporary Membership in HPAC/ACVL in order to protect our landowners with our insurance. Foreign insurance does not name our landowners as Additional Insured on their policies nor do most policies have sufficient coverage. That is why all visiting pilots need Temporary Membership, good for 60 days, available only for pilots with a permanent foreign residence.
HPAC/ACVL encourages all visitors to check in with local pilots to get a site briefing in advance of flying local sites. Here is the procedure for HPAC/ACVL members to sign up foreign visitors for temporary membership, if they connect with your local group or club: the Temporary Membership form can be found at or at
Please carry a copy of this with you if you are at a site that visitors tend to frequent. You can sign up a visitor for temporary membership, send in the bottom half of the member application form and the waiver along with the fee of $40 to the HPAC/ACVL Office as soon after receiving the documentation as possible, so that the landowners, where those pilots fly, can be covered.
Many visiting pilots travel from site to site while they are here and therefore prompt sending
of their materials is required so that they can be listed on the HPAC/ACVL member list. Please contact the Office if you have any questions about this process. And THANK YOU for doing this for our landowners and for your Association.