Safety Committee Members Needed

By: Bastien Dufour, HPAC/ACVL Quebec Director

Flight Safety is the core of the sport of hang gliding and paragliding! Can you or a fellow pilot volunteer for the HPAC/ACVL Safety Committee to give back to the sport that you love?

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Has competition changed the way I fly cross-country?

By JP Robert Vandenbegine, Chair, HPAC/ACVL Competition Committee

Although much of this topic can be applied to various other competitive disciplines and obviously to hang gliding as well, before I start it is worth mentioning that I am a paraglider pilot and that my type of competition is XC racing, also called “race to goal”.

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More 2021 HPAC/ACVL Awards to Outstanding Pilots

Jamie Christensen Memorial Award

Stephen Johnson, Dawson City, Yukon

Solid Ground Award

Solid Ground Award to Peter Spear for his work representing HPAC at the Vancouver Airspace Modernization Project (VAMP) (Peter Spear on left, James Elliott, President of West Coast Soaring Club, on right.)

Post-Covid Thoughts

By Michael Robertson, High Perspective, Locust Hill, Ontario

To fly or not to fly, that was and is the Covid question. Of course, each individual and school must make their own decisions according to their beliefs. Here’s what we did in 2020 and our rationale. This year will be similar, with Ontario’s lock-down situation just easing up now. Those who flew in 2020 felt good about it, as did I. Some chose not to. We started mid-June this year, 2021.

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