HPAC Safety Advisory – December 2018
Overview of 2018 Accidents and IncidentsHPAC 2018 data Here are some figures with the HPAC Accident/Incident data available on November 30th, 2018. It should be noted that when the same incident is reported by more than one person it is counted as a single event, ie. as one report. These figures represent only submitted reports (and in some cases, events for which sufficient first-hand information was available). You will possibly notice that data of 2015 and 2017 are different than what was communicated in May. This is explained by the submission in 2018 of additional reports for these years (3 for 2015 and 4 for 2017). It is still time to report a past incident It will allow us to improve the comprehensive HPAC Accident/Incident data. |
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Type of injuries 2018
Overview of 2018 Accidents/incidents
It is always possible to consult the statistics of other organizations such as the FFVL and the BHPA. Even though this information comes from elsewhere, it is just as useful for working on prevention. https://federation.ffvl.fr/pages/d-clarations-d-accidents (see Accidents survenus entre le 1er janvier et le 31 octobre 2018) https://federation.ffvl.fr/pages/fiches-p-dagogiques-et-documentation https://www.bhpa.co.uk/documents/safety/informal_investigations/?filter Since no progress is possible without member participation and reporting, we strongly encourage you to contact us with your ideas and concerns. Thank you for your collaboration. Suzanne Francoeur and Tyler Gillies,